Blog Archive

6 Tips to Prepare Your Home for a Newborn Mar 11th, 2025

Roughly 3.7 million babies are born each year in the United States, and each one of them requires special newborn care in order to stay healthy, thrive, and grow. If you’re expecting a new family member, you might be wondering how you can optimize your home to suit your baby’s...

7 Questions to Ask at Your Prenatal Meet and Greet Feb 9th, 2025

More than 3.6 million babies are born each year in the United States, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and that means there are lots of parents looking for guidance on how to care for their newborns. Prenatal meet and greet visits with your...

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and ADHD: How to Support Your Child  Dec 2nd, 2024

Millions of American kids have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with symptoms that can take a big toll on their everyday lives and their emotional wellness. Worse, most of those children also struggle with rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), which makes navigating social situations even more challenging. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, our team...

4 Lesser Known Signs of Concussions in Kids Nov 8th, 2024

A concussion isn’t just a bump on the head — it’s a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can have long-lasting and devastating consequences when not properly treated. Concussions happen when the brain bounces or twists inside the skull, typically due to a blow to the head or a...

How to Prepare for Your Child’s Telemedicine Appointment Oct 1st, 2024

Telemedicine is an increasingly popular option for people who want to receive medical care without the hassle of an in-person visit. It can be ideal for kids. Data show that telemedicine visits can be just as good as — and sometimes even better than — in-person visits, depending on your...

5 Ways to Help Your Child With Asthma Thrive Sep 16th, 2024

More than 6% of American kids have asthma, the most common chronic disease of childhood. While there’s no cure for asthma, there are definitely things you can do as a parent to help your child learn to manage their condition so they get the most from their experiences. At Nevada...

My Child Keeps Gaining Weight: What Should I Do? Aug 16th, 2024

About 20% of kids in the United States are obese, and millions more are overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Like adults, kids tend to gain weight for familiar reasons: sedentary lifestyles and filling up on unhealthy foods that lead to unwanted weight gain. Kids who...

I Just Found Out I'm Pregnant: How Can I Prepare for My Baby's Future Care? Jul 23rd, 2024

Getting ready for the birth of a new baby is an exciting time — and a time of worry and anxiety, too. That’s because you’re now responsible for the health and well-being of another human being, a big task that gets easier if you do a little preparation ahead of...

Recognizing the Signs of ADHD Jun 17th, 2024

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can take a huge toll on your child’s ability to thrive in school, in social settings, and even in family settings, and that means it can have a major effect on your child’s self-worth and self-confidence, too. Worse, without proper management, ADHD and its effects can...

I Think My Child Has the Flu: Should We Schedule a Telemedicine Visit? May 8th, 2024

The flu is common, affecting millions of Americans each year, many of them children. Because it’s so common, it’s tempting to think it’s not a big deal.  But the flu can be very serious — even deadly. In fact, about 20,000 kids are hospitalized every year due to serious flu...

7 Newborn Care Tips for Every New Parent Apr 1st, 2024

Millions of babies are born each year in the United States, and that means there are lots of new parents wondering how to fine-tune their baby care skills. Fortunately, baby care isn’t nearly as hard as many people believe, and having a skilled pediatrician in your corner means you’ll always...

6 Mental Health Challenges Teens Can Experience Mar 1st, 2024

Mental health issues have taken an alarming upturn among today’s teens and adolescents, with more than 40% experiencing persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Almost a third report seriously considering suicide or attempting suicide.  Like other health problems, mental health issues respond best to early treatment. Understanding the issues facing...

Can My Child Play Sports If They Have Asthma? Feb 1st, 2024

If your child has asthma, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the problems asthma causes — such as shortness of breath and wheezing that can sometimes be exacerbated by physical activity. That leaves many parents wondering if their child can play sports or if they’ll need to remain seated on the sidelines....

5 Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician About Circumcision Jan 1st, 2024

Nearly 3.8 million babies are born each year in the United States, and roughly half of those are boys. That means almost 2 million sets of parents are faced with the decision: Should I have my newborn son circumcised? Nevada Pediatric Specialists is a leading provider of neonatal circumcision in...

Is Your Child Not Hitting Developmental Milestones? We Can Help. Dec 4th, 2023

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development — physically, emotionally, and socially. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to support your child as they grow up, and part of that means getting regular physical exams and checkups. Many parents associate doctor’s visits with sickness,...

5 Things Your Pediatrician Wants You to Know About Breastfeeding Nov 1st, 2023

More than 80% of babies begin life by receiving some breast milk, which is good news for both babies and their moms. Yet, while most new moms know breastfeeding is good, many don’t know why — or how nursing can help their babies get a healthy head start on life....

Understanding What Your Baby's Weight Percentile Really Means Oct 1st, 2023

Weight plays an important role in health, regardless of age. In fact, regular baby weight measurements are a routine part of newborn care, and we compare your baby to growth charts that reveal your child’s percentile — but a lot of parents don’t know what those measurements mean. As a trusted...

Help! My Child Won't Sleep Through the Night Sep 1st, 2023

About a third of kids suffer from sleep disorders, including difficulty falling asleep, problems staying asleep, and poor quality sleep. In kids with special needs, that number can be as high as 80%. That’s alarming, because not only does your child need good, consistent sleep to do well in school and...

3 Myths About Circumcision Debunked Aug 1st, 2023

Roughly 81% of American males are circumcised, with most circumcisions occurring during infancy, according to data from the National Institutes of Health. Yet despite how common it is — and the many associated benefits — circumcision is still surrounded by a lot of misunderstandings.  At Nevada Pediatric Specialists in Las Vegas and Henderson,...

5 Health and Wellness Challenges Teens Face Jul 11th, 2023

Being a teen isn’t easy. Peer pressure, school obligations, family issues, and the pervasive influence of social media are just some of the challenges today’s teens face on a daily basis. Add in dramatic hormonal changes, and it’s easy to understand how many teens can feel overwhelmed. Nevada Pediatric Specialists...

4 Signs It's Time to Book an ADHD Screening Jun 1st, 2023

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that usually appears during childhood. Millions of children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and in many cases, the symptoms persist into adulthood. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, our team offers patient-centered ADHD treatment, focusing on helping kids manage their symptoms and succeed in school, at...

Will My Child Need Lab Tests With a Sports Physical? May 10th, 2023

Spring is here, and for plenty of parents, that means it’s time to schedule a sports physical for your child. Not only do schools and most other sports organizations require these special physical exams, but they’re also really important for making sure your child is healthy and ready for play....

What's an Asthma Action Plan, and Why Is It Important? Apr 7th, 2023

Nearly 15% of Americans have asthma according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including 6.5% of kids. While asthma can’t be cured, it can be managed, and a custom asthma action plan holds the key. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada, our team...

7 Things You Can Do to Support Your Teen's Mental Health Mar 10th, 2023

About half of adolescents and teens struggle with a mental health issue at some point during their young lives, according to data from the US Department of Health & Human Services. That sounds bleak, but the good news is that teens are resilient, and with the right support, they can...

What Is Included in Newborn Care? Feb 9th, 2023

If you’re adding to your family this year or if you’ve recently had a baby, you’ve got plenty of company. Every year in the United States, more than 3.5 million babies are born, and every one of those babies needs specialized medical care to help them develop and thrive. As...

5 Myths and Misconceptions About Childhood Obesity, Debunked Jan 18th, 2023

Most people think of obesity as a problem affecting adults, but alarmingly, about 1 in 5 kids is obese, too. In fact, childhood obesity has skyrocketed in recent years, doubling for kids and tripling for adolescents since the 1980s and 1990s. Even though childhood obesity is a serious medical problem, a lot of people...

4 Benefits of Telemedicine Dec 8th, 2022

It’s probably not surprising that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine skyrocketed. In fact, the pandemic provided many people with their first experiences using telehealth, allowing them to receive essential medical care without physically visiting their doctors’ offices.  Even though the initial concerns and contact restrictions of the...

How Often Does My Child Need a Physical Exam? Nov 1st, 2022

Childhood is a time of tremendous growth and change, physically, emotionally, and developmentally. Having regular physical exams is one of the best ways you can help your child stay healthy throughout their childhood — but just how often does your child need to have an exam? The team at Nevada...

What Type of Medication Can Help My Child With ADHD? Oct 9th, 2022

Millions of kids in the United States struggle with ADHD and the feelings of frustration, isolation, depression, and even failure that often go hand-in-hand with the condition. The good news: Medication can help your child manage their symptoms, especially when it’s combined with behavioral therapy.  At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, our team offers different types...

What Will We Talk About at My Prenatal Meet and Greet? Sep 13th, 2022

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says meet and greet meetings play an important role in helping kids get a healthy head start in life, whether you already have kids or not. Despite that, the AAP notes that only 5%-39% of expectant moms and dads have a prenatal visit with their future...

5 Benefits of a Walk-In Clinic Aug 9th, 2022

Accidents, injuries, and health needs simply don’t follow a schedule. Knowing you can see a doctor when things come up offers peace of mind. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, our team offers walk-in visits at our locations in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada, making it easy for your child to receive the care they need when...

How Psychotherapy Can Successfully Treat Your Child’s ADHD Jul 12th, 2022

When it comes to managing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), people often think about the medications used to help kids maintain focus. While it’s true that medication can play a pivotal role in treating many kids, some ADHD patients benefit from psychotherapy — either along with medication or, in some cases, as...

How Chronic Disease Management Can Keep Your Child Well Jun 1st, 2022

As many as 20 million children and adolescents suffer from one or more chronic medical conditions, according to data from the American Academy of Pediatrics. That includes kids with asthma, diabetes, obesity, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other medical problems lasting months, years, or even a lifetime. Chronic medical conditions...

6 Reasons to Consider a Prenatal Meet and Greet May 1st, 2022

Prenatal pediatric visits help parents prepare for the addition of a new family member — yet research from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows many parents don’t bother to schedule a visit prior to their child’s arrival.  That could be because many parents don’t know the visits are available or they’re not...

Understanding the Different Types of ADHD Apr 1st, 2022

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects millions of kids in the United States, interfering with their ability to succeed in school, in social settings, and even in family relationships. Fortunately, there are safe, effective ways to treat ADHD, beginning with an understanding of its symptoms. The team at Nevada Pediatric Specialists...

What’s Causing My Child's Obesity? Mar 2nd, 2022

Childhood obesity rates are on the rise — in fact, about one out of every five kids between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As with adult obesity, childhood obesity is complex, involving genetic, behavioral, medical, and lifestyle factors. ...

How Telemedicine Works Feb 1st, 2022

Your child’s health is of paramount importance to you. Still, taking your child to see the doctor can be challenging sometimes, especially if they don’t feel well. No parent wants to uproot a child when they’re ill, and even scheduling routine medication management appointments can be daunting with work, school,...

The Importance of Well-Child Visits Jan 1st, 2022

It’s easy to think about taking your child to the pediatrician when they’re sick. But well visits are just as important, giving your child the care and support they need to stay healthy throughout a period of rapid growth and development. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists in Henderson and Las Vegas,...

Early Signs of ADHD Dec 6th, 2021

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common childhood disorder that can have far-reaching effects on a child’s school performance, social life, and self-confidence. Symptoms of ADHD may persist throughout the adult years as well, affecting about three times as many males as females. Although there’s no cure for ADHD, the...

How Much Sleep Do Teenagers Need? Nov 1st, 2021

A good night’s sleep is important for everyone — at every age. But for teens, getting enough sleep is especially important. Yet research shows that about three out of four teens don’t get nearly the amount of sleep they need to support healthy growth and development.  At Nevada Pediatric Specialists,...

Your Child's First Sports Physical: What to Expect Oct 5th, 2021

Fall is here, and that means it’s the time when lots of kids get back into fall and winter sports. While there’s nothing parents can do to completely avoid potential sports injuries in their kids, having a sports physical is a great way to put that risk in check. The...

When Should My Child Get a Flu Shot? Sep 1st, 2021

September is here, and that means it’s almost flu season. In Nevada, influenza season starts around October and lasts until May, usually peaking sometime around January. That means now is the ideal time to schedule a flu shot for your child — and for you, too. With practices in Henderson...

When Should I Choose the ER instead of the Walk-In Clinic? Aug 4th, 2021

Being a parent involves making lots of choices, including choices about your child’s health. One of the biggest decisions happens when your child is injured or sick: Do they need emergency room care, or is a walk-in clinic a better choice? Of course, when your child isn’t feeling well, you’re...

I Think My Child Has Allergies. What Steps Should I Take? Jul 19th, 2021

For a kid, summer is a magical time. School’s out and fun and freedom are in, with plenty of time to enjoy the great outdoors — unless, of course, your child has allergies. Then summer plans can be replaced by sneezing, wheezing, itchy eyes, and a stuffy nose.  As a...

What to Expect During Your Child's Sports Physical Jun 16th, 2021

Millions of kids sign up for organized sports programs every year, through schools, community organizations, or private clubs. Sports offer plenty of opportunities for kids to form strong social bonds, learn leadership skills, and stay physically active, significantly reducing their risk of childhood obesity. However, being active in sports can...

Conduct Your Behavioral Health Checkup From the Comfort of Your Home May 23rd, 2021

Behavioral health issues are fairly common among children and adolescents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that about 9.4% of kids ages 2-17 are diagnosed with ADHD, and another 7.4% have another diagnosed behavioral problem.  Their effects can take a major toll on a child’s health and well-being....

Should I Have My Child Immunized? Apr 15th, 2021

As a parent, you’re responsible for the decisions that affect your young child and help shape their life. For many parents, the decision about vaccines is a relatively simple one, a necessary task designed to help a child stay healthy. But for some parents, the decision isn’t so clear cut. ...

Myths and Facts About Circumcision Mar 15th, 2021

If you’re expecting a baby boy, one of the first medical decisions you may have to make is whether or not to have your newborn circumcised. In a circumcision, the hood of the penis is surgically removed in a simple procedure that typically takes less than 10 minutes. Circumcisions are...

The Importance of Prenatal Care Feb 12th, 2021

Whether you’re a first-time mom-to-be or you’ve been down this road before, you’re probably thinking a lot about the changes a new baby brings. Being prepared for the arrival of your child is a great way to reduce stress and make sure you and your new baby adjust to the...

My Child Has Asthma. Now What? Jan 17th, 2021

More than 6 million kids in the United States have asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, but if your child is newly diagnosed, you still may feel alone and unsupported. Nevertheless, plenty of parents (and kids) have navigated a new diagnosis of asthma with ease and...

How Does Adolescent Health Care Differ From Other Primary Care? Dec 4th, 2020

Adolescence is a time of major changes for your child, and major adjustments for you, as well. Not only are the adolescent years a period of rapid physical growth, but between the ages of 10 and 18, your child faces a lot of changes in their emotional and social development,...

Sports Physicals: Why Your Child Needs One Nov 13th, 2020

Fall is here, and for many schools and communities, that means it’s time for fall and winter sports. For millions of parents across the United States, it also means it’s time to schedule a sports physical.  Data show that as many as 3.5 million kids are injured each year playing...

Parenting a Child With ADHD Oct 13th, 2020

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, affects millions of kids in the United States. And for those dealing with the challenges of parenting a child with ADHD, the worries, fears, and frustrations can seem overwhelming. Because of the issues ADHD causes, children with this condition present unique situations that can strain...

Pediatrics and COVID-19: What You Should Know Sep 3rd, 2020

Unfortunately, after many months, parents still don’t have any universal standards of childcare during this pandemic. Not knowing how to keep your child safe and healthy is stressful, and we’re here to help. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, our experts urge you to proceed with caution, even though children seem to...