My Child Keeps Gaining Weight: What Should I Do?

My Child Keeps Gaining Weight: What Should I Do?

About 20% of kids in the United States are obese, and millions more are overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Like adults, kids tend to gain weight for familiar reasons: sedentary lifestyles and filling up on unhealthy foods that lead to unwanted weight gain.

Kids who are overweight or obese are also prone to many of the same diseases as adults, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Worse still, kids who are overweight are far more likely to experience bullying at school and in other social settings, taking a significant toll on their self-confidence and their emotional wellness.

At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, our team is skilled in treating childhood weight issues, providing compassionate care that helps kids achieve a healthy weight. In this blog, our team offers some tips you can use to help your child manage their weight and improve their health and self-confidence.  

Make healthy eating easier

Instead of filling your cupboards and fridge with high-fat, sugary, processed foods, look for foods that make it easier for your child to make healthy decisions when it comes to meals and snacks. 

Keep fresh fruit on hand — all washed, cut up, and ready to eat — along with yogurt for dipping. Cheese cubes packed in containers to control portion size combined with whole-grain crackers are filling and healthy. Skip sodas and fruit drinks, and keep skim milk or a pitcher of ice water on hand to quench their thirst.

Plan meals together

Planning meals with your kids helps them learn healthy eating habits while also allowing them to take charge of what they’re eating. By making your child part of the meal-planning process, you give them a sense of control that helps them feel more comfortable with their weight-loss journey. 

Involve kids in meal prep

Plenty of adults use meal prep to make mealtime easier and more convenient, and you can do the same with your child. Let them plan and prepare school lunches ahead of time or have them mix up some individual containers of overnight oatmeal for a quick, nutritious breakfast before school.

Emphasize exercise

A mindful diet is essential for losing extra weight and keeping it off — but so is regular exercise. Try to make physical activity part of your child’s daily routine. 

Aim for an hour each day, and help your child pick an activity that suits their interests. Joining a team is fine, but individual activities, like biking, hiking, jumping rope, and even dancing are good ways to work up a sweat and burn off some calories.

Even better, look for ways to be active with your child. Not only will your own health improve, but you’ll gain some important bonding time, too.

Limit screen time

With entertainment available 24/7 through TV, phones, computers, and gaming systems, it’s not surprising that a lot of kids spend plenty of free time glued to their screens. Limiting screen time is a good way to break kids of that habit, especially if they use that time for sports or other physical activity, instead.

One simple approach: Tell your child they can spend as much time using their devices as they spend on physical activity (or homework and studying). 

Set a good example

You have a big influence on your child from the moment they’re born — yes, even during the independent teen years. Being a good role model by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise helps underscore the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.

Talk to your pediatrician

When your child is overweight, it can be tempting to try diets designed for adults. But remember that kids of all ages have unique nutritional needs, and adult diet plans or fasting methods can leave them depleted of nutrients essential for their growth and development.

Our team has significant experience helping kids lead healthier lifestyles, and that means helping them manage their weight, too. We offer personalized, compassionate, nonjudgmental weight-loss counseling focused on the unique needs and challenges of childhood, so every kid can feel successful and confident.

Does your child keep gaining weight? To learn how we can help your child manage their weight successfully, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Nevada Pediatric Specialists in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, today.

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