7 Questions to Ask at Your Prenatal Meet and Greet

7 Questions to Ask at Your Prenatal Meet and Greet

More than 3.6 million babies are born each year in the United States, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and that means there are lots of parents looking for guidance on how to care for their newborns. Prenatal meet and greet visits with your child’s pediatrician are a great way to find the answers to your questions and get some much-needed support, too.

Our caring team at Nevada Pediatric Specialists offers prenatal meet and greet visits to provide parents-to-be with support and advice while helping them become familiar with the office and its staff. Here, we present some key questions to ask during your visit that can help you feel more comfortable and confident about becoming a new parent.

1. When should my baby have their first office visit?

Most babies have their first doctor visit during their first week of life. During this visit, we perform a health assessment of your baby, review paperwork from the hospital where the baby was delivered, and provide you with guidance to help you care for your baby confidently.

2. How often should my infant see the doctor?

While older kids and adults benefit from annual wellness visits and physical exams, infants need more frequent office visits during their first year of life. Those first 12 months are a period of rapid growth and development, and frequent visits help us ensure your child is healthy and on track with developmental milestones. 

Our team typically follows guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatrics, with adjustments based on your child’s needs.

3. What happens during a well-baby visit?

Wellness visits include a number of health evaluations to assess your child’s growth and development, along with important screenings to help identify potential issues that benefit from early medical intervention or monitoring. 

During your child’s visit, we measure and weigh your baby, check their reflexes, examine their eyes and ears, listen to their heart and lungs, and, of course, answer any questions you may have. We also screen for postpartum depression so you can receive the support you need to stay healthy. 

4. What vaccines does my baby need?

Immunizations provide your child with the protection they need to ward off serious, debilitating, and life-threatening illnesses, including measles, hepatitis, and whooping cough. The CDC and other government agencies provide a recommended schedule for childhood vaccines (and adult vaccines, too). You can see the schedule here

Our team provides paperwork for every vaccine and answers all of your questions and concerns. Because of the important protection vaccines provide for babies and the public at large, as well as our other patients, our practice only treats patients whose families have their children vaccinated.

5. What items or equipment do I need to prepare for my baby?

There’s no denying that babies need some special equipment to make care easier and more beneficial for your child’s care. However, they don’t need as much as many first-time parents assume. During your prenatal visit, we can help you focus on the items that will be most helpful for your baby and your overall care routine.

6. How do you support moms who nurse and moms who choose to bottle-feed?

Our team supports new parents regardless of which option they select. We know when it comes to feeding newborns, the most important factor is having a parent who’s relaxed and at ease. For some families, that means breastfeeding, while for others, bottle-feeding is the better solution. 

For moms who choose to nurse, it’s important to note that breastfeeding is a skill that must be learned and practiced — by you and your baby. We offer lactation guidance to help with the adjustment.

7. How can I get in touch between visits?

Babies can be unpredictable, and sometimes issues crop up that require prompt medical attention. During your visit, we help you learn what to do in these instances, including how to reach us after hours, when you should call the office to schedule a sick visit, and when to seek emergency care.

Prenatal visits provide you with the answers you need to feel confident about your new baby’s arrival and their care once they’re here. To schedule your meet and greet, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Nevada Pediatric Specialists in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, today.

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