6 Reasons to Consider a Prenatal Meet and Greet

6 Reasons to Consider a Prenatal Meet and Greet

Prenatal pediatric visits help parents prepare for the addition of a new family member — yet research from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows many parents don’t bother to schedule a visit prior to their child’s arrival. 

That could be because many parents don’t know the visits are available or they’re not sure how a meet and greet with their child’s pediatrician can help. At Nevada Pediatric Specialists, our meet and greet visits offer several benefits for expectant parents. Here are six reasons to consider scheduling a visit.

1. You’re a first-time parent

There’s no manual for parenting, and while some people think they’ll be “natural” moms and dads, most first-time parents can get a little overwhelmed by the prospect of caring for a baby. It’s normal to have lots of questions and even a few concerns. 

A meet and greet with our team is a great way to get answers to questions you’re not sure who or how to ask, along with a good dose of confidence and peace of mind about your journey ahead. That’s true for single parents and nontraditional families, too.

2. You have a high-risk pregnancy

High-risk pregnancies come with their own set of concerns because they pose additional potential problems for moms and babies. Some high-risk situations result in specific medical needs for children once they’re born. 

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, meeting with your pediatrician before the birth helps you understand what those medical needs may be so you can feel reassured and confident. By suggesting things you can do now to prepare for your baby’s arrival, your pediatrician can help lower your stress level and support better prenatal health.

3. You’re switching pediatricians

Individual doctors take their own approach to pediatric care, and there can be a big difference from one practice to the next. Getting to know your new pediatrician before your baby arrives helps you plan for the change without feeling panicked. 

The meet and greet appointment is the ideal time to ask questions and learn about the services our team offers for newborns and their parents. If your baby has older siblings, it’s also a good time to make sure records from their previous pediatrician have been transferred to our practice.

4. You’re pregnant with multiples

Caring for one newborn is stressful. When multiples are involved, it can quickly feel overwhelming. Our team helps parents prepare for twins, triplets, or more. 

Not only can we assist you in devising a game plan for caring for your newborns, but we can also help you anticipate some of the possible health and lifestyle challenges that can occur with multiple births.

5. You’re feeling stressed about the demands of parenthood

It’s normal for parents to feel anxious about the arrival of a new child, whether they’re first-timers or old hands at the art of parenting. Our pediatricians partner with our patients, providing guidance and resources that can help you prepare for parenting and the challenges it can bring.

From helping you select a new car seat to advising you on family immunizations to helping you find treatment and support for feelings of depression or anxiety, our doctors focus on building strong families. Do you have questions about breastfeeding? Donating cord blood? Blending a family? We can help with those concerns, too.

6. You just like to be organized

When a baby arrives, even the most carefully crafted schedule can be thrown into disarray. Meeting your newborn’s doctor before your due date means you’ll have one less thing to worry about once your baby is finally here.

Prenatal meet and greet: A smart choice for every parent-to-be

Bottom line: A prenatal visit is a great idea for any parent who wants to gain some peace of mind and feel more at ease once the big day arrives. 

To learn more about prenatal visits or to schedule a meet and greet with the team at Nevada Pediatric Specialists, call 702-457-5437 or book an appointment online at our locations in Henderson or Las Vegas, Nevada, today. 

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